Is an unhealthy lifestyle affecting your Oral Health?

“Healthy smile has a predominant role in a good and nurtured lifestyle”

An unhealthy lifestyle always welcomes several diseases from outside, bad oral health is one of them which may cause severe health issues. It has become an important issue to spread awareness among the people.

Today we labeled all the dental issues under the same forum which is ‘cavity’. It may hinder your daily routine because of a certain amount of pain.

We people sometimes ignore all these issues and gradually it takes serious phases in the dictionary of the illness.

What are the ways which lead to bad oral health?

Smoking habits

“Smoking is injurious to health” before smoking we need to consider why we are smoking and is it important for us to smoke and put our lives in danger?

Smoking has a bad health impact on our whole body. Our oral health is impacted a lot due to the cigarette. Nowadays smoking has become a lasting part of the lifestyle and it’s very popular among youngsters.

Following are the impacts of smoking on bad oral health-

Bad breath – The chemicals inherited under the cigarette can easily go to the mouth, lungs, and other body parts and can linger there for hours. It may cause a bad breath problem.

Staining –   cigarettes consist of nicotine and tar elements which do help in yellowing and staining the teeth. It always puts a bad impression on our professional life.

Gum disease – Due to smoking many bacteria can come into the mouth and easily attack the gum which will create gum disease.

Cancer – This is a very critical condition that could occur due to second-hand smoking. Second-hand smoking increases the chances of cancer for those who first-time smoke. Two third of mouth cancer cases are cames due to smoking habits.


Poor brushing habits

Brushing up teeth can definitely save their life and make them stay healthy and strong, but apart from this irregular brushing habits may cause bad dental health and very make us very prone to dental infections.

We have to adopt good brushing habits which can ultimately lead us to good oral health such as brushing twice a day and washing the tung regularly and doing mouthwash.


The excess eating of junk food

Today each individual eats junk food and else habitual to eating it. It may have the benefits of time-saving but be aware! It also consists of bad impact on our oral health.

Junk food possesses unhealthy fat and carbohydrate. These foods are high in calories and low in nutritional values.

This junk food leads to heart disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol and these chronic diseases will ultimately lead to bad oral health.

For better health, you have to visit the dentist at least 1 time in 6 months. As per the requirement dentist will guide you and give the prescriptions.



We always have to keep in mind that “Prevention is better than cure”. It is better to take consultation from the dentists as per the requirement.

Doesn’t t take your health as per the grant? Take care of your dental health and keep a healthy smile.

Consult our Dentist – Dr. Vikram Khanna & Dr. Geetima Khanna

For Appointment call us:  +91 120 4214 809